Our new logo

18. 4. 2019

We had felt the necessity to simplify and modernize our logo for some time. For our fifteenth birthday, we have given ourselves a new corporate logo, designed by the La Taupe studio. And how did the new design come about?

“The initial stage of every brand is associated with an intense discussion at our studio, to which everybody contributes. We are a small, basically family graphic studio and so we actually enjoy this process. Together, we came to the conclusion that a company whose main business involves languages in spoken and written from should communicate its brand in a clear typographic form. Therefore, we dismissed complicated graphic symbols and unnecessary frills and tried to redesign the brand using simple font principles.

Finally, we decided to go with square brackets, which are associated with pronunciation. We put the word BEST inside them to highlight it more. This resulted in a message that makes it clear what the company does and that they are serious about the quality of their services,” says Tomáš Cikán, Head of Design at LaTaupe.


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